How to Win the Hk Prize

hk prize is one of Asia’s most prestigious awards, attracting thousands of applicants each year. It honors scientific research that has a global impact, and encourages young scientists to pursue careers in science. Winners receive a monetary prize and the opportunity to conduct research in Hong Kong. The hk prize also recognizes students with academic achievements, talent, and extracurricular activities, and promotes community service and leadership.

The award was first established in 2014, and it is administered by Human Rights Watch and Arizona State University. The prizes were previously administered by the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Hong Kong and the Committee to Protect Journalists. However, the latter group withdrew its support following China’s imposition of a national security law that restricted freedom of the press in Hong Kong.

This year’s nominees include activists who are fighting for democracy and freedom. Some of them have been arrested or face lengthy prison sentences, but they continue to work for their cause. Others are devoted to social justice and community service, such as the founder of a nonprofit that provides shelter for homeless adults. In addition, there are a number of scientists who are advancing medical research, including a professor who has developed liquid biopsy, which allows doctors to detect cancer more quickly.

To compete for the hk prize, scientists must submit a research article that meets certain criteria. The research should be a clinical study (including prospective or retrospective clinical trials), an observational or epidemiological study, or a basic science study. The research must be the author’s own original work and not a review or letter to the editor. Those who want to win the prize should visit the official website to learn about the rules and submission requirements.

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