Data hk are facts or statistics collected together for reference, analysis or decision-making. It can be numbers, text or a combination of both. They are normally gathered to support business activities or policy formation by government agencies. They can be sourced from primary observations such as sales or electricity meter readings to secondary sources like published reports. It is normal for data hk to be combined with other information known as enriched data to deliver greater value to users.
Personal data under the PDPO includes information about an identifiable natural person which can be used to identify that person directly or indirectly. It may include the physical, physiological, genetic, mental economic cultural and social identity of that individual.
Under the PDPO, a data user which engages another entity (whether in Hong Kong or outside) to process personal data on its behalf must ensure that contractual or other measures are in place to prevent unauthorised or accidental access, processing, erasure, loss or use of that personal data.